. - 5:59 AM
i haven't been able to sleep for 3nights, and i don't noe what to expect tonight. i just go to bed at 1230am, coz i have to get up by 730am. but i only actually fall asleep at 2am. the rest of the time is spent staring at the ceiling, with thoughts through my mind. i have no idea what i'm thinking about too, just like if i have to call up vodafone for admin stuff, do i have to go to the library to borrow a textbook for my recommended reading, do i have to phone my pregnant patient to arrange for a house visit and if so how do i go about asking her, and den i start worrying i won't understand her over the phone. think of money woes. mom tells me abt the finances and i get worried. den i think i have to study hard to get 60% to retain the scholarship. den i go back and think shit i have to sleep. and den i think why in the world am i noe sleeping, i have important lectures tomorrow. and the cycle goes on :(
my hairs in a mess, the new hair has grown far too long, i need to colour and rebond it again. i need new contact lenses coz i can't see with my current pair!
the only thing i'm looking forward to is this friday, when i'm going for my pizza hut buffet! and french toast saturday. ok i've just had a really late dinner and i'm feeling so full i can't get myself to look at the anatomy of the heart -.-
anyway, yes if anyone is wondering, or would agree to go out with me when i'm back, i'm arriving at 1835 on the 23rd of Dec.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
. - 8:31 PM
i thought this was random, but its not that i'm complaining! :)
yeah anw thats how i try to keep in touch with singapore's news. if i remember to read the news. lol
people out there who are having their exams, good luck, first week of dec will come before you know it and its time for you to play again! :)
Saturday, November 24, 2007
supper. - 10:29 AM
back in trusty singapore, late night supper consists of prata, dou hua, curry rice, etc.
today after attending Chee's turning 21 party, we headed down to Devonshire's Chippy, which sells good ole english take out food aka fish & chips etc aka oil fest!
let me tell you what they have. they have fish &chips, chips &cheese, chips&gravy, chips&curry, sausage&chips [sausage is BATTERED] etc. i had the sausage and chips, and i didn't order the special set so i ended up paying 2.30pounds instead of 1.90. DAMN. well anw, i finished everything. OMG i'm so screwed in terms of my weight. at least in sg when i supper, i do exercise or gym in the morning. HERE, i do nothing.. i'm gonna eat carrots and peas for lunch tmr. can't afford to snack anymore. really can't.
oh wells, i should TRY to get to sleep though i'm too full to. see ya ppl!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
. - 12:51 AM
oh i realised i haven't blogged in a while. haven't had much time! i'm such a sucker at household chores that i just get bogged down with them. i do like grocery shopping though, but that has left me with 40pounds to spend in 2 weeks, that includes transport, 3meals, socials, laundry etc etc.
just wanted to complain, i swear, i'm gonna get some lung infected disease from inhalation of SHISHA SMOKE. gawd, EVERY SINGLE DAY, when i enter my flat, it smells of that sickly strawbery shisha flavour thingy. apart from the fact that the kitchen stinks, i'm pretty much fine. and i swear i have an eating disorder. no listen, i think of food 24/7. its not funny, its actually getting pretty scary :(
well but we've signed our contract for nxt yr appartment alr! its really expensive for Sheffield, prob cheap for London. but oh wells, i'm just glad its over and SORT of settled. just need to get council tax exemption and stuff.
and we had our very first sheffield snow fall yesterday! but the ground wasn't cold enough for the snow to settle. ok back to looking at pink and blue blobs of cells called Histology *snores*
5more weeks till i get to board bus 136 to guess where? HAHAHAHAHA..
Thursday, November 08, 2007
. - 4:02 AM
cooping up at home doing my essay has turned me semi-delirious. from laughing to crying, all within a few hours. how i wished i was back in sg, its deepavali tmr! which basically just means a holiday for me.
i've been keeping alot of comments to myself lately. watching from the sidelines. how i wish i was back in jc again, with friends like oi and xa, with sam and hu shing just round the corner for me to call. with the band ppl to hang out with and pursue our interest for food together.
ok i'm off. 45 days.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
craving - 9:14 AM
i'm having a bad craving for short street dou hua with you tiao. not only that, i miss the company that i'm always with when i'm there.
essay stress - 6:19 AM
what do you do when ur bored at home, alone, cold, trying to do ur freaking essay while the rest of the world outside are setting fire works and you can hear the random fireworks blasting sounds throughout the night?

i clearly ain't concentrating ain't i? robyn just told me sth funny and random. ok break long enough, back to essay.
btw, i've officially grown fatter guys! i feel it in my fingers, i feel it in my toes....... [well for me its more like i feel it in my tummy, i feel it in my faceee] and, so i'l go to medics ball this wk end looking like a big fat potato. my plan for december is to gym EVERY morning, and supper EVERY night. hee hee hee
ooh and i had a great time in london with sis and FOOD. refer to facebook for photos of borough market!
ok i can't afford to random day dream anymore. people who i haven't replied emails, i'm SO SORRY! will do it soon. till nxt time..
Thursday, November 01, 2007
tired. - 3:51 AM
ppl are all dressing up going for halloween partys but i'm again in no mood, no ENERGY to go for anything.
this morning i woke up at 730am showered and sat down from 820-1030am to do my histology practical! [online, so i can do it at home] and den i got to school, rushed home to eat lunch [i've found the perfect combo, rosemary bread + cream cheese + greek olive oil + balsamic vinegar], rushed out to meet my Community Attachment Scheme [CAS] grp member before heading down to Crystal Peaks, which is a freaking 1hr long journey for my meeting with the pregnant lady. meeting was good, getting there and back was a major BITCH. we were supposed to catch bus 30 but the bus didn't stop at the bus stop and the nxt bus was in 20mins, so we walked to another bus stop and took 42, though we didn't noe how to walk if we took 42. a few frantic calls and thoughts, my CAS grp member REMEMBERED that he owns a N95 which has a GPS inside. thank God for that. we stopped at the terminal and walked for a good 20mins.
on our way back, we took bus 41, which decided not to go pass where we stayed coz its like this round service thing, and i had to walk 15mins from this bus stop, to the sheffield bus terinal, to catch another bus home. i ws out from 2pm and only reached home at 7pm. dead tired, so i made microwave food. i still got work to do for tmr, but i'm on the verge of fallin aslp i don't noe how i'm going to do it?
and i'm down with flu, sore throat and a bad cough. i miss singapore.
on the bright side, my heater is finally working and vodafone worked this morning.
happy halloween!